Page name: bakas united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 17:17:47
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 29
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welocome to Bakas United!

Where an idiot can be an idoit(<----)! ^_^'

(and for people who don't know what baka means, it's Japanse for idiot, dummy, stupid, etc.)

[Keeper of Darkness]

1st offials

[Raiko Fire]-President

The Bakas (the members)

Random Fun Links-


- (Ways to annoy people) (I'm too sexy, with Snape)

- (lots of funny videos)

- (maybe a little crude at times. (Curse words and some sexual passes), but very funny.)

-Stupid Quotes

-Baka Stadium

-What's My Age Again?

Rules for Living

Gallery of Uselessness

Contests various members are holding:(Please edit out ones that are finished)


<img:>-Fox-People Army
<img:>- The Kitty Club<img:>- Fox and Hound Club
<img:>- meeps unite
<img:>- fox-halflings unite<img:>-The anime guild
Rei's Rotating JRock Files

Username (or number or email):


2005-05-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Not much, you?

2005-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: o-o;

2005-05-30 [werewolf grrrrl]: nothing

2005-05-31 [Kuramasgirl]: Blech. Done anything interesting lately? *pokes one of Serenitii's eyes*

2005-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: .o Gonna be going to summer school in 2 more days..And on those days I'm not gonna be on the computer...Which is like...20 FRIGGIN' DAYS!! T____T

2005-05-31 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm going to Europe for 20 days in June, so I wont be on the computer for a long time either...but my predicament's better then yours ^^;;;

2005-05-31 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: Aws. Poor poor cousin.

2005-05-31 [werewolf grrrrl]: that sucks

2005-06-01 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Meanable is kinda like mean only with "able" at the end...

2005-06-01 [Kuramasgirl]: o.O Oh, ok.

2005-06-01 [Lady Sadira]: <.<...My brother is trying to become one of us.

2005-06-01 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: NOOOO HE CAN NOT EVER BE LIKE ME!!1!!!

2005-06-01 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: -.-....i am not a thing!!!

2005-06-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Well you can't become one of us! O_O *remembers that song on Lion King 2* >.<

2005-06-02 [Kuramasgirl]: o.O Why can't he become one of us? What's so bad about him? I'm taking care of this wiki for [Raiko Fire], so you better make it a good reason.

2005-06-02 [Lady Sadira]: ...YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THE WAY HE IS AT HOME!! x__X!

2005-06-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Give me some more info.

2005-06-02 [Lady Sadira]: You go ask him. <.< And he's the psycho here...I don't even know why he calls me psycho.

2005-06-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Well, this is baka's united. We can't exactly turn a baka down.

2005-06-02 [Lady Sadira]: o_o; Fine I'll let him on right now he won't leave me alone. >.o

2005-06-02 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: y you people talkin bout me?! ><

2005-06-02 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm talking about you to see if you can join the wiki. Of course, no one's stopping you.

2005-06-03 [werewolf grrrrl]: hey ppl sup?

2005-06-03 [Kuramasgirl]: Not much, you?

2005-06-03 [werewolf grrrrl]: nothing doing

2005-06-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Well I meant he couldn't be one of us as in like me and Serenitii, I didn't mean that he couldn't be a baka like all of us.

2005-06-17 [Lady Sadira]: Yeah. <.<

2005-06-17 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: -.-...

2005-06-17 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: MONDAY MORNING WE SPORK THE YARD!!!

2005-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: OMGWTFBBQ?!?!

2005-06-18 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: BARBIEQEU?WHEHERE?!?!? @__@

2005-06-18 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: *burp* o.o She did it! *points to Serenitii*

2005-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: -Pointed at.- oo WHAT I DO!?!?

2005-06-18 [Raiko Fire]: Shameless plug at the end of the page! x.x

2005-06-18 [Akeatia]: Can I join?

2005-06-18 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: sure! ^^ anyone can join!

2005-06-18 [Lady Sadira]: Yeah! Just don't be someone like my brother...>.>

2005-06-19 [CrystalBlaze]: hey Me am finally out of school!!!!

2005-06-21 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Yeah! Only about two more weeks until I got to VA!

2005-06-23 [Lady Sadira]: And a few more weeks till my mom gets my pay check and I can finally....o_o..Nevermind, I'm not telling....Yet...>>..<<...

2005-06-23 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!..............I wanna tell.........................o.o

2005-06-24 [Kaito The Ramen Bandit]: look for me as TheRamenBandit

2005-06-25 [werewolf grrrrl]: hi

2005-06-25 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL MY B-DAY!!!! *cheers*

2005-06-27 [Lady Sadira]: <;;

2005-06-28 [Kuramasgirl]: Hello everyone! I'm back from Europe! ^.^

2005-06-29 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Coolies! Did you have fun?

2005-06-29 [Kuramasgirl]: Yep, lots and lots of fun ^.^ I've found that Germany is my favourite country but that Holland has the hottest boys XD

2005-06-30 [Hikage]: I like germany too. theyre are hills that are huge! ..... and the boys are kinda..erm...special lookin

2005-06-30 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, I loved the Black Forest. It was so beautiful there, and the architecture in the towns was amazing. Especially the gothic style churches.

2005-07-01 [Hikage]: oooh one time we were going through the Black Forest and it was snowing .. sooo pretty *reminence*

2005-07-01 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Sounds nice ^.^ Sadly, the farthest I've been from home is to California...

2005-07-01 [Kuramasgirl]: I've never been out of the country until then. And we went to other countries, Germany was just the one that I thought had the most beautiful scenery ^_^

2005-07-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: ^-^ Purtyful

2005-07-02 [Lady Sadira]: o.o;;;;;;;; -Losted.-

2005-07-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o *finds you* Now you're not!

2005-07-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Squee!

2005-07-09 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: o____________________o;................................MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

2005-07-10 [Kuramasgirl]: Meep?

2005-07-19 [Lady Sadira]: O___O;;;;;;;;;;;

2005-07-19 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: o.o; Who again?

2005-07-19 [Lady Sadira]: .......................................

2005-07-19 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: O.o I'm lost.

2005-07-19 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: ...........o.o

2005-07-19 [Kuramasgirl]: Yes! We have succeeded!

2005-08-05 [CrystalBlaze]: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

2005-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Meepnotay!

2005-08-07 [CrystalBlaze]: ello

2005-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: XD

2005-08-10 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-08-10 [Kuramasgirl]: Hello to all ^________^;

2005-08-12 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: I'm kinda lost...

2005-08-12 [Kuramasgirl]: Aren't we all?

2005-08-21 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: o____________________________________________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

2005-08-21 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: o.o; jekkas weird...

2005-08-21 [Kuramasgirl]: Aren't we all? XD

2005-09-03 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-09-11 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: ummmmmm, is there any way to see what wikis youre watching?

2005-09-23 [Lady Sadira]: What'd I miss?! o.o;

2005-10-01 [Kuramasgirl]: Yes.......It's usually called looking at your notes and such....And you really just need to click the "Start Watching this Wiki-page" button ^^;

2005-10-02 [Lady Sadira]: o.O

2005-10-02 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: okies. thankies.

2005-10-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o; *Confazzled...*

2005-10-04 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-10-16 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-10-16 [Raiko Fire]: *stupid random grin* HI! :D

2005-10-18 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: Hola! =D

2005-10-24 [Kuramasgirl]: o.o;; Hi.....

2005-11-04 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-11-05 [CrystalBlaze]: eh???

2005-11-05 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-11-05 [CrystalBlaze]: ello all

2005-11-05 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-11-13 [Kuramasgirl]: Too many Crystals o.o;

2005-11-13 [Raiko Fire]: ...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! :D *stupid grin*

2005-11-15 [Crystalwing]: hi

2005-11-20 [Kuramasgirl]: o.o I realised that ^^;

2005-11-21 [Crystalwing]: hi all

2005-12-01 [Lady Sadira]: Anybody miss me since I was gone? >.>

2006-01-10 [Natara Nightshade, Darkness Alchemist.]: NO. SHUSH. o_o

2006-01-11 [Lady Sadira]: How rude. T_T

2006-01-16 [Kuramasgirl]: o___O Of course we missed you :)....Who are you again? x____X (just kidding ^_^;)

2006-01-17 [Lady Sadira]: x.x; For a second there I thought you meant that...>.>;

2006-02-04 [Kuramasgirl]: XD I wouldn't be that mean ^_^

2006-02-06 [Raiko Fire]: Random plug! It's a new RP forum for strictly gay/lesbian pairings... If you join please say Raiko referred you >_>

2006-02-06 [Lady Sadira]: o_o Interesting. I shall check that out when I get home! ^_^;

2006-02-06 [Raiko Fire]: x3 Don't forget to say RAIKO SENT YOU >_> If you join, that is. <3

2006-02-07 [Lady Sadira]: Aye aye captain! ^^;;

2006-02-07 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o; I haven't been here in a while. What's going on?

2006-02-07 [Lady Sadira]: SEX. o_o That's what's going on. >_>;;; Nah, just kidding. xD

2006-02-07 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: -Snaps fingers.- Damn, I missed it.

2006-02-07 [Lady Sadira]: xD NOW STOP STEALING MY DASHES

2006-02-07 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: But I'm a thief...o.o;

2006-02-07 [Lady Sadira]: ;-; GET YER OWN DAMNED DASHES.

2006-02-08 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: But I don't wanna...

2006-02-10 [Lady Sadira]: -Beats Inu with a cane.- ¬¬ NOW.

2006-02-11 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o; Was it a CANDY cane?

2006-02-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Was it a chocolate, caramel, vanilla, mint, syrup, strawberry, blueberry, and muffiny CANDY cane? o___o

2006-02-12 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o___o Yeah! Was it one of them candy canes?

2006-02-12 [Lady Sadira]: ...YES. <_<

2006-02-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o____o -Eats the cane.-

2006-02-13 [Lady Sadira]: XD

2006-02-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: -Gives a piece to Kuramasgirl.- ^^ Want some?

2006-02-14 [Lady Sadira]: << -Whacks Inu with a normal cane.-

2006-02-16 [Kyoko The Kitsune]: missed alot..

2006-02-16 [Lady Sadira]: o.o...Where'd you come from...?

2006-02-16 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: His mother?

2006-02-16 [Lady Sadira]: Our mother. :l

2006-02-17 [Kaito The Ramen Bandit]: STOP STEALING MY COOKIE!!!

2006-02-17 [Lady Sadira]: MY COOKIE.

2006-02-18 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o___o Cookie?

2006-02-18 [Lady Sadira]: MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.

2006-02-18 [Kuramasgirl]: *pops in and steals cookie, then pops out again*

2006-02-18 [Lady Sadira]: NUU!! ;--; That was mine

2006-02-18 [Kuramasgirl]: *laughter from no where* MUAHAHAHAHAHA! XD

2006-02-19 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o;...v.v I wants a cookie...

2006-02-19 [Lady Sadira]: -Hands Inu a cookie cane she was gonna whack her with.- >.>

2006-02-20 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o___o Mine! -Takes cookie cane and runs up a tree.-

2006-02-20 [Lady Sadira]: <___<

2006-02-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o_o; -Falls backwards.-

2006-02-22 [Lady Sadira]: -Catches.- O.o; -Shoves her at Natara.-

2006-02-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o___o; -Runs up tree again; puts glue on the spot were she's gonna sit.- ^-^ -Sits on the glue.- There! Now I won't fall off!

2006-02-23 [Lady Sadira]: o.o -Pulls out a flamethrower.-

2006-02-23 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o_____o;

2006-02-23 [Lady Sadira]: -Lights the tree on fire.- >D

2006-02-26 [Kuramasgirl]: x__X *watches*

2006-02-27 [Lady Sadira]: <_____<

2006-03-01 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o__________o; I can't get off! -is stuck.- ;~; I'm gonna burrrrrrrn....

2006-03-04 [Kuramasgirl]: *eating popcorn* You could just turn on the sprinkler system. There's a switch on the tree...

2006-03-07 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o; -Throws remainder of cookie cane at the sprinkler switch and turns it on.- ^-^ Whee!

2006-03-08 [Lady Sadira]: o.o;

2006-03-09 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: ^___^ -Gets sprayed with water.-

2006-03-11 [Kuramasgirl]: *is drenched* -_______________- That's what I get for being helpful.

2006-03-12 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o; Oops. Sorry.

2006-03-13 [Kuramasgirl]: XD no matter. *snaps fingers and becomes dry again*...*eats popcorn* :3

2006-03-15 [Lady Sadira]: >

2006-03-15 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: -Gets off the tree.- Phew.

2006-03-18 [Kuramasgirl]: *munching popcorn*

2006-03-18 [Lady Sadira]: Rawr. She shoulda BURNED. >.<

2006-03-18 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: o.o I'm off! To the burning of the stake!

2006-03-19 [Lady Sadira]: -Pulls out flamethrower.- o-o

2006-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: *grabs a bottle of Dr. Pepper and continues to munch on popcorn, watching*

2006-03-31 [Lady Sadira]: > -Walks around cautiously.-

2006-04-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: -Goes back in time to the Salem Witch Trials.-

2006-04-06 [Kuramasgirl]: o____O Whyyyyy?

2006-04-18 [Crystalwing]: hihihihi

2006-07-03 [CrystalBlaze]: Crystalwing stop saying hi and say something else

2006-07-03 [Kuramasgirl]: Err...>> Hello to you too?

2006-07-05 [CrystalBlaze]: ello how r u

2006-07-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Fine, yourself?

2006-07-05 [CrystalBlaze]: very sunburt me went tubing down the canon rivwer yesterday and the sunblock didn't work too good

2006-07-06 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, Sorry to hear that. I hope the burn isn't too serious :S

2006-07-11 [Crystalwing]: the aloriens are her

2006-07-12 [Kuramasgirl]: Aloriens? O_o

2006-07-14 [CrystalBlaze]: me go to find job me no want to find job

2006-07-14 [Kuramasgirl]: ...All right...CrystalBlaze, are you the same person as Crystalwing? -.o

2006-07-18 [CrystalBlaze]: no me a dragon crystal wiong is a catdragon

2006-07-18 [Kuramasgirl]: So...are you related? o_O; Extremely good friends?

2006-07-22 [CrystalBlaze]: we be friends

2006-07-24 [Kuramasgirl]: Ah, that explains it.

2006-08-01 [CrystalBlaze]: yep

2006-08-02 [Crystalwing]: hi

2006-08-07 [CrystalBlaze]: cw stop just saying hi

2006-08-10 [Crystalwing]: ok

2006-08-11 [CrystalBlaze]: so do it

2006-08-14 [Crystalwing]: okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

2006-08-22 [CrystalBlaze]: lalalalalalalalalalalala

2006-08-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Would you guys quit it? o_O; I know it's Bakas United, but that doesn't mean you have to act like 2 year olds :P

2006-10-14 [CrystalBlaze]: yes it does

2007-12-17 [Crystalwing]: lllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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